How Much Does It Cost to Create an App in Australia?

Table of Contents

To give you a quick idea, depending on a number of factors, the average cost to build an app in Australia can range from $50,000 – $100,000 or more.

Region Hourly Rate Range (AUD) Total Cost Range (AUD)
Australia $100 – $150 $132,000 – $415,000
North America $150 – $250 $132,000 – $415,000
Western Europe $100 – $200 $112,000 – $370,000
Eastern Europe $40 – $100 $80,000 – $300,000
Asia $20 – $60 $60,000 – $180,000
Latin America $30 – $70 $70,000 – $210,000

The process of developing an app is complicated and takes many steps, from conception to implementation and maintenance. The cost of developing an app in Australia may fluctuate greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the app, the platform of choice, the development team, and extra services like marketing and maintenance. This blog will offer a detailed examination of these factors along with in-depth insights into the expenses related to every phase of the app development process. By the end of this blog, you will have a clear understanding of how much does it cost to create an app in Australia.

Factors Influencing App Development Costs in Australia

1. App Complexity

The complexity of your app is one of the primary determinants of its development cost. Apps can be categorized into three types based on complexity:

Simple Apps:

Basic functionality, minimal features, no backend integration. Example: a simple calculator or a to-do list app.

Moderate Apps:

More features, some backend integration, third-party API integration. Example: a basic e-commerce app or a social media app.

Complex Apps:

Advanced features, extensive backend integration, real-time functionalities, high-security standards. Example: a fintech app or a comprehensive healthcare app.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

App Complexity Estimated Hours Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
Simple 300 – 600 $100 – $150 $30,000 – $90,000
Moderate 600 – 1200 $100 – $150 $60,000 – $180,000
Complex 1200 – 2000 $100 – $150 $120,000 – $300,000

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2. Platform Choice

Choosing the right platform(s) for your app is important. You can develop your app for:


Developing for Apple Store.


Developing for Google Play Store.


Developing a single app that works on both iOS and Android.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Platform Estimated Hours Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
iOS 200 – 500 $100 – $150 $20,000 – $75,000
Android 200 – 500 $100 – $150 $20,000 – $75,000
Cross-Platform 300 – 700 $100 – $150 $30,000 – $105,000

3. Development Team

Whether you work with an offshore development team, a local development agency, or freelancers will also affect the price. Every option has advantages and disadvantages that impact the app’s overall price and quality.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Development Team Hourly Rate (AUD) Quality
Freelancers $50 – $100 Varies
Local Development Agency (Developer Bazaar Technologies) $100 – $150 High
Offshore Development Team $30 – $80 Varies

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4. Design and User Experience

User satisfaction and retention can be greatly impacted by an easy to use well-designed app. The following are included in the design phase:

UI/UX Design:

Creating the visual elements and user interface.


Developing a prototype to test the app’s functionality and design.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Design Phase Estimated Hours Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
UI/UX Design 100 – 300 $80 – $150 $8,000 – $45,000
Prototyping 50 – 150 $80 – $150 $4,000 – $22,500

5. Backend Development

For apps requiring server-side functionality, backend development is essential. This includes:

Database Management:

Handling user data securely.

Server Maintenance:

Ensuring the app runs smoothly without downtime.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Backend Component Estimated Hours Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
Database Management 100 – 300 $100 – $150 $10,000 – $45,000
Server Maintenance 50 – 150 $100 – $150 $5,000 – $22,500

6. Additional Features

Features like push notifications, payment gateways, social media integration, and in-app purchases add to the development cost.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Feature Estimated Hours Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
Push Notifications 20 – 50 $100 – $150 $2,000 – $7,500
Payment Gateway 30 – 70 $100 – $150 $3,000 – $10,500
Social Media Integration 20 – 50 $100 – $150 $2,000 – $7,500
In-App Purchases 30 – 70 $100 – $150 $3,000 – $10,500

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7. Maintenance and Updates

For an app to stay relevant and functional after launch, updates, bug fixes, and maintenance are necessary.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Maintenance Type Estimated Hours/Year Hourly Rate (AUD) Total Cost (AUD)
Bug Fixes 50 – 100 $100 – $150 $5,000 – $15,000
Updates 100 – 200 $100 – $150 $10,000 – $30,000

8. Marketing and Launch

Launching the app and marketing it to reach your target audience also involves costs. This includes:

App Store Optimization (ASO):

Enhancing the app’s visibility in app stores.

Digital Marketing:

Running campaigns on social media, Google Ads, etc.

Detailed Cost Breakdown:

Marketing Component Estimated Cost (AUD)
App Store Optimization $2,000 – $5,000
Digital Marketing $5,000 – $20,000
Launch Event (if any) $3,000 – $10,000

Total Estimated Cost

Here is a summary table that includes every factor to give you a clear picture of the total cost:

Component Simple App (AUD) Moderate App (AUD) Complex App (AUD)
Development 30,000 – 90,000 60,000 – 180,000 120,000 – 300,000
Platform Choice 20,000 – 75,000 40,000 – 150,000 60,000 – 225,000
Development Team Varies Varies Varies
Design and User Experience 12,000 – 67,500 24,000 – 135,000 36,000 – 202,500
Backend Development 15,000 – 67,500 30,000 – 135,000 45,000 – 202,500
Additional Features 10,000 – 35,000 20,000 – 70,000 30,000 – 105,000
Maintenance and Updates 15,000 – 45,000 30,000 – 90,000 45,000 – 135,000
Marketing and Launch 10,000 – 35,000 20,000 – 70,000 30,000 – 105,000
Total Cost 132,000 – 415,000 244,000 – 830,000 366,000 – 1,305,000

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Mobile App Development Cost in Australia Defined By App Type

The cost of developing a mobile app can vary significantly based on the type of app you aim to create. Here’s a closer look at different app types and their associated costs:

1. Basic Apps:

These are simple, entry-level apps with limited features. They typically have a small number of screens and simple functions like data entry and finding it. Examples include calculators or note-taking apps.

  • Cost Range: $30,000 – $60,000

2. Data-Driven Apps:

Such apps rely a lot on managing and storing data. They are frequently used for tasks like inventory management or content management systems, and they require strong backend support for database management.

  • Cost Range: $50,000 – $120,000

3. E-commerce Apps:

These apps include features like product listings, shopping carts, payment gateways, and user accounts. Examples are online shopping apps such as Amazon or eBay.

  • Cost Range: $60,000 – $150,000

4. On-Demand Service Apps:

These apps connect users with service providers and include real-time features like geolocation, bookings, and payment processing. Examples include Uber or food delivery apps.

  • Cost Range: $80,000 – $200,000

5. Social Networking Apps:

These apps focus on connectivity and interaction among users, adding features such as profiles, messaging, media sharing, and real-time updates. Examples include Facebook or Instagram.

  • Cost Range: $100,000 – $250,000

6. Gaming Apps:

The complexity of gaming apps fluctuates significantly, from easy puzzles to complicated multiplayer games with excellent graphics. The complexity and graphics requirements of the game have a big impact on development costs.

  • Cost Range: $50,000 – $500,000+

7. Enterprise Apps:

These are custom-built for internal business use and can include features like employee management, project management, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). They often require integration with existing business systems.

  • Cost Range: $100,000 – $300,000+

8. Fintech Apps:

Financial technology apps include features like secure transactions, account management, financial analysis, and real-time updates. Examples include banking apps and investment platforms.

  • Cost Range: $150,000 – $400,000

Here’s a summary of the costs based on app types:

App Type Cost Range (AUD)
Basic Apps $30,000 – $60,000
Data-Driven Apps $50,000 – $120,000
E-commerce Apps $60,000 – $150,000
On-Demand Service Apps $80,000 – $200,000
Social Networking Apps $100,000 – $250,000
Gaming Apps $50,000 – $500,000+
Enterprise Apps $100,000 – $300,000+
Fintech Apps $150,000 – $400,000

Understanding these costs by app type can help you better estimate the budget needed for your specific app project.

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Mobile App Development Cost in Australia Defined by City

In Australia, the location of the development site can have an impact on the price of developing a mobile app. The cost of development as a whole depends on market demand, cost of living, and the availability of experienced developers in a given city.

1. Sydney:

Sydney is Australia’s biggest city and living there costs a lot. If you’re a skilled developer, you might find it expensive to live and work there because everything costs more.

  • Cost Range: $150 – $200 per hour

2. Melbourne:

Melbourne is famous for its great tech community and offers top-notch development services that are a bit cheaper than Sydney.

  • Cost Range: $130 – $180 per hour

3. Brisbane:

In Brisbane, making apps is cheaper compared to Sydney and Melbourne because living costs are lower there.

  • Cost Range: $120 – $170 per hour

4. Perth:

Perth has fewer tech experts than cities like Sydney and Melbourne, but it still has talented developers. The cost of software development here is usually reasonable.

  • Cost Range: $110 – $160 per hour

5. Adelaide:

Adelaide is known for its low living costs, making app development more affordable without compromising on quality.

  • Cost Range: $100 – $150 per hour

6. Canberra:

Canberra, as the capital city, offers specialized services at good prices and high quality, especially for government and big business apps.

  • Cost Range: $120 – $170 per hour

7. Hobart:

In Hobart, there aren’t as many choices for app development as in bigger cities. However, it’s usually cheaper because living costs there are lower.

  • Cost Range: $90 – $140 per hour

Here’s a summary of the costs based on city:

City Hourly Rate (AUD)
Sydney $150 – $200
Melbourne $130 – $180
Brisbane $120 – $170
Perth $110 – $160
Adelaide $100 – $150
Canberra $120 – $170
Hobart $90 – $140

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Team Composition and Hourly Rates for Creating Simple App, Medium App, and Complex App

The complexity of your app affects how many people you need on your development team and how much they charge per hour. Here’s a breakdown of the usual team sizes and rates for simple, medium, and complex apps.

1. Simple App

A simple app typically requires a small team with a focus on basic functionality and minimal features.

Team Composition:

  • Project Manager: Coordinates the project.
  • UI/UX Designer: Creates the app’s visual elements.
  • 1-2 Developers: Focus on front-end and back-end development.
  • QA Tester: Ensures the app functions correctly.

Hourly Rates:

Role Hourly Rate (AUD)
Project Manager $100 – $150
UI/UX Designer $80 – $130
Developer $100 – $150
QA Tester $60 – $100

2. Medium App

A medium-sized app needs a slightly bigger team with a wider variety of expertise and includes more features.

Team Composition:

  • Project Manager: Manages the project timeline and deliverables.
  • UI/UX Designer: Designs user interface and experience.
  • 2-4 Developers: Handle both front-end and back-end development.
  • QA Tester: Performs comprehensive testing.
  • Business Analyst: Defines app requirements and scope.

Hourly Rates:

Role Hourly Rate (AUD)
Project Manager $100 – $150
UI/UX Designer $80 – $130
Developer $100 – $150
QA Tester $60 – $100
Business Analyst $80 – $130

3. Complex App

A complex app requires an skilled team due to its advanced features, high security, and robust backend.

Team Composition:

  • Project Manager: Oversees the entire project.
  • UI/UX Designer: Creates detailed and sophisticated designs.
  • 4-8 Developers: Includes front-end, back-end, and possibly specialized developers (e.g., for AI, AR/VR).
  • QA Tester: Conducts thorough and rigorous testing.
  • Business Analyst: Defines comprehensive app requirements.
  • DevOps Engineer: Manages deployment and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Security Expert: Ensures the app meets high-security standards.

Hourly Rates:

Role Hourly Rate (AUD)
Project Manager $100 – $150
UI/UX Designer $80 – $130
Developer $100 – $150
QA Tester $60 – $100
Business Analyst $80 – $130
DevOps Engineer $100 – $160
Security Expert $120 – $180

It is possible to figure out development costs accurately and make sure that all necessary expertise is covered for the successful delivery of your app by knowing the necessary team composition and associated hourly rates based on the complexity of your app.

Cost Comparison: Australia vs. Other Countries

When you look at how much it costs to make an app, comparing Australia with other countries can help you figure out how much money and resources you might need. Here’s a comparison to give you an idea of what it might cost in different countries.

1. North America:

Known for high-quality development but also higher costs due to higher living standards and wages.

  • Hourly Rate Range: $150 – $250 AUD
  • Total Cost Range: $132,000 – $415,000 AUD

2. Western Europe:

Offers similar quality to North America but with slightly lower costs compared to Australia.

  • Hourly Rate Range: $100 – $200 AUD
  • Total Cost Range: $112,000 – $370,000 AUD

3. Eastern Europe:

Provides a good balance of quality and affordability, with significantly lower rates than Australia.

  • Hourly Rate Range: $40 – $100 AUD
  • Total Cost Range: $80,000 – $300,000 AUD

4. Asia:

Countries like India and Vietnam offer highly competitive rates for app development, making them much more affordable than Australia.

  • Hourly Rate Range: $20 – $60 AUD
  • Total Cost Range: $60,000 – $180,000 AUD

5. Latin America:

Offers lower development costs compared to North America and Europe, with rates that are generally more affordable than Australia.

  • Hourly Rate Range: $30 – $70 AUD
  • Total Cost Range: $70,000 – $210,000 AUD

Here’s a summary of the hourly rate comparisons with estimated total costs:

Region Hourly Rate Range (AUD) Total Cost Range (AUD)
Australia $100 – $150 $132,000 – $415,000
North America $150 – $250 $132,000 – $415,000
Western Europe $100 – $200 $112,000 – $370,000
Eastern Europe $40 – $100 $80,000 – $300,000
Asia $20 – $60 $60,000 – $180,000
Latin America $30 – $70 $70,000 – $210,000

Tips to Keep the App Development Cost Low in Australia

Managing the costs of developing apps in Australia can be tricky, but there are ways to spend smartly without sacrificing quality. Here are some tips to help you save money:

1. Define Clear Requirements:

When you start a project, make clear, specific plans right away. This helps prevent the project from growing beyond what was originally intended and keeps you from having to make lots of changes later on.

2. Prioritize Features:

Start with the most important things first. Later, we can add more cool stuff based on what people want and how much money we have.

3. Choose the Right Development Team:

Look at different teams that build things like websites or apps. This includes freelancers who work on their own, companies that specialize in this work, and teams based overseas. Compare how good they are at what they do and how much they charge to find the best mix of quality and price

4. Opt for Agile Development:

Agile methods help by breaking work into small parts. They test things often and find problems early, which makes projects faster and cheaper.

5. Reuse Existing Solutions:

Use ready-made tools and parts whenever you can instead of creating everything from the beginning. This helps save time and money during development.

6. Outsource Non-Core Functions:

You can save time and money by hiring outside experts or freelancers for jobs like designing websites or testing software, instead of doing everything in-house.

7. Effective Project Management:

Use smart ways to keep track of how things are going, make sure resources are used well, and avoid things that slow down the project and make it cost more.

8. Continuous Communication:

Make sure you talk openly and clearly with your team about what you want to achieve, when you want to reach certain points, and any problems that might come up along the way.

9. Plan for Scalability:

Plan the app and its setup so it can handle more users and features smoothly as it grows. This prevents needing expensive changes or updates later on.

10. Regular Testing and Quality Assurance:

Test everything many times while making it to find and fix problems early, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money fixing things after it’s done.

Following these tips can make it easier to build apps, reduce risks, and control costs, all while making sure the app is great and does what users want.

How do you choose the right app development team in Australia?

Selecting the best app development team in Australia is essential to the project’s success. To make sure you choose the best team, keep the following points in mind:

👉 1. Team Structure:

Choose a dedicated team instead of freelancers. A team works together better and takes more responsibility for the work.

👉 2. Requirement Focus:

Choose teams that focus on really understanding what you need, rather than just finishing the job quickly. This way, the end result will match exactly what you want and what you need.

👉 3. Documented Processes:

Make sure the team writes down all the steps they follow, like project plans, User epic story, Figma drawings, and other documentation. This helps everyone talk clearly and makes it easier to share what needs to happen with everyone involved. It also stops problems from coming up because of misunderstandings.

👉 4. Milestone-Based Payments:

It’s better for teams to get paid after completing important stages of a project instead of receiving payments based on random percentages (like getting 20% upfront and 30% in the middle). Clear milestones with specific goals and deadlines help manage money and projects more effectively.

👉 5. Client References:

Request contact details of at least 4-5 previous clients to get genuine feedback. Depending only on videos and written reviews might not give the full picture.

👉 6. Trial Contracts:

Before signing a big contract, try a smaller one first. This smaller contract will be for making user stories, proposals, and Figma designs. It helps you see how quickly they respond, how they work, and if they’re available when you need them.

👉 7. Maintenance and Support:

Analyse how’s their support after post delivery are they charging flat pricing? If Yes so tell them to do that Top UP system where you will get hours and every time when the works comes the hours has been decreased so you only pay when the work is comes up not for the monthly basis.

👉 8. Engagement Models:

There are several engagement models hourly cost, dedicated team, or the contract basis model. All of these hiring models have benefits that you can leverage during your app development. However, you should make sure that your app development team is flexible for these hiring models.

👉 9. Security Expertise:

You would always like to prefer that your application is secure from data hacking and breaches chances. So, ensure that your app development company in Australia has the expertise to create a secure environment for your application.

How does AI affect App Development in Australia?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is continually changing Australia’s app development market by providing creative solutions and improving user experiences in a range of sectors. Here are some examples of how AI affects Australian app development:

App capabilities are being changed by AI-powered features like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms. AI makes predictive analytics possible for fraud detection, e-commerce, healthcare, and finance. It also makes customer service automation and personalised user recommendations possible. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots and virtual assistants also improve user engagement by offering personalised interactions and real-time responses. The effect of AI on app development expenses and features is shown in the table below:

AI Application Impact on App Development
Machine Learning Speeds up development by automating predictions and data analysis. improves user experience by offering recommendations and customised content.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Voice recognition and text analysis are enabled for chatbots and virtual assistants, which improves user interaction and customer support efficiency.
Predictive Analytics Helps indicate user behaviour, optimise app performance, and improve decision-making processes.
Automation Reduces operational costs by simplifying repetitive tasks like data entry, content moderation, and system maintenance.
Enhanced Security AI-powered algorithms improve app security by detecting anomalies, preventing breaches, and ensuring data privacy compliance.

Integration of AI into app development improves functionality and user engagement while lowering long-term maintenance costs and increasing operational efficiency. With new opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage, AI technologies will continue to play an important part in shaping the future of app development in Australia.

Why choose Developer Bazaar Technologies for your app development in Australia?

Developer Bazaar Technologies is a top choice in Australia for making apps because they focus on delivering great apps that fit any business. They’ve done lots of successful projects in different industries. They can build apps that work well on all kinds of devices, whether they’re iPhones or Androids. Their team of experts is really good at making apps easy to use, with strong systems behind them that can grow as your business does. They work fast and flexible, so they can adjust to what you need as things change. Choosing them means you get smart solutions and a team that helps you succeed in the app world.

FAQs on Mobile App Development Costs in Australia

Q. How much does it cost to make an app in Australia?

The complexity of the app, its features, the location and experience of the development team, and the project timeline are just a few of the factors that can significantly affect the cost of creating an app in Australia. You should budget between AUD 30,000 and AUD 60,000 for a basic app with necessary features. Apps with advanced features, such as social networking or e-commerce, can cost anywhere from AUD 60,000 to AUD 250,000 or more. The total cost also includes elements like design, development, testing, and continuing maintenance. It’s important to specify the needs for your app accurately and select the best development team in order to stay within your budget and still achieve the quality and functionality you want.

Q. How much does it cost to maintain an app in Australia?

An app’s annual maintenance expenses usually range from 15% to 20% of its original development cost. For example, if the development of your app cost $100,000, the annual maintenance cost should be between $15,000 and $20,000. This price includes recurring costs like hosting fees, bug fixes, security patches, updates to keep the app compatible with new operating systems, and the addition of new features in response to user feedback or market trends. The complexity of the app, how often updates are released, and whether or not you require specialised support or improvements can all affect how much maintenance actually costs.

Q. How long does it take to build an app in Australia?

The time required to build an app in Australia typically ranges from about 3 to 12 months, depending on the complexity of the app and various project-specific factors. Simple apps can often be completed within 3 to 6 months, while more complex apps may take 6 months to a year or even longer to develop fully.

Q. What is the Complexity Level of the App in Australia?

Apps in Australia can be simple, medium, or complex. Simple apps are basic, like calculators or note-taking apps. Medium ones have more features, like user accounts or connecting to other services. Complex apps are very advanced, needing real-time updates, complex systems, and connections to many services. Choosing the right complexity affects how long it takes to build, how much it costs, and what skills are needed from developers.

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Developer Bazaar Technologies serves with highly proficient Prototyping & Strategy, Brand Promotion, Enterprise Development, Web Engineering, API Integrations, IT Consulting, End-to-End IT Services and Solutions, leads globally and is headquartered in Indore, India.