How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App in India?

Irrespective of the country, globalization has bestowed immense competition in industries around the globe. As a result, businesses tend to take their operations online to serve the maximum target audience and make good profit.

App development has been one of the most adopted strategies by brands around the world which helps them reach their target audience around the world. At the same time, when it comes to app development, no country can beat India. Whether it is Indian app developer cost or the expertise you can get here, India is the first preference of everyone looking for digital product development.

App Type Cost Range Description
Simple App $5,000 – $15,000 Basic functionality, minimal design, limited features.
Medium Complexity App $15,000 – $20,000 Custom UI/UX, API integration, moderate features, backend server.
Complex App $20,000 – $30,000+ Advanced features, real-time synchronization, complex backend, third-party integrations.
E-commerce App $10,000 – $20,000+ Includes payment gateway, product catalog, user accounts, and backend management.
Social Networking App $10,000 – $30,000+ User profiles, feeds, messaging, notifications, scalability considerations.
On-Demand Service App $10,000 – $30,000+ GPS tracking, booking system, user/provider dashboards, payment integration.
IoT Integrated App $15,000 – $40,000+ Hardware integration, data analytics, real-time monitoring, custom APIs.
AR/VR App $15,000 – $50,000+ Augmented reality or virtual reality features, high-end graphics, immersive user experience.
Gaming App $10,000 – $50,000+ Simple games to complex multiplayer with extensive graphics, animations, and backend support.
Healthcare App $15,000 – $50,000+ HIPAA compliance, patient data management, integration with medical devices, secure backend.

According to Statista, the app market in India achieved a valuation of $2.7 billion in 2022 which is further expected to show a CAGR of 11.44% and achieve a valuation of $4.8 billion by the end of 2027.

When we talk about India being the most cost-efficient solution for app development, it is important to have an understanding of different factors contributing to the app making cost in India.

So, in this article, we will talk all about app making cost in India along with the influencing factors, cost breakdown, and much more.

Breakdown of App Development Costs in India by Project Type

First of all, it is important to understand that there are different types of app development projects.

The project types are divided into three categories: simple app projects, standard app projects, and complex app projects. The difference between these mentioned types is the technologies and number of features used to build them.

Before diving into the details, have a look at the table below to get an idea about different app making costs in India based on different projects-

Category of App Estimated Development Cost (INR)
Simple App Projects $5,000 to $15,000
Standard App Projects $15,000 to $20,000
Complex App Projects $20,000 to $35,000
However, it will not be a good idea if you stick to the above figure without talking about the requirements and vision of your project. For the same, you can even have a free consultation session with our team.
As the complexity of the application increases, the mobile app development cost also increases. There are several technologies, third-party services, and API integrations that have to be opted to install some particular features. All these components come with their respective associated cost.
At the same time, several other factors influence the mobile app development cost in India. The factors are but are not limited to, app complexity, number of features, type of features, developer location, maintenance charges, etc.

A Beginner’s Guide to App Development

When developing an application for the first time, several questions shape your decision to buy a mobile app. Having an understanding of the different processes and parts of the app development process can make it significantly easier for you to make informed decisions, ensure quality, and minimize the outsourcing of app development in India cost.
Having talked about the mobile app development cost in India, there comes a process that helps to execute the application according to the plan. We are hereby providing the step-wise process of app development that will help you ensure that your project is on the right track.
The app development process in India

1. Brainstorming

This is the foremost process of app development where all the stakeholders share their view for the project. It includes discussing the vision, purpose of the app, target audience, cost factor, timeline, hiring model, and much more. Features and functionalities of the application are the center of this phase.

2. Prototype

The second phase consists of delivering a prototype of the application. This prototype carries the idea about the design, themes, colors, navigation, features, and much more. The prototype is designed to get feedback from the client and implement it at the earlier stages.

3. Core development

As the name suggests, this is the core development process where the front-end and back-end development team works collaboratively. Tasks like coding with a programming language, API integration, third-party integrations, payment gateway building, etc. are carried out during this phase.

4. Quality Testing

As the name suggests, the fourth step is dedicated to conducting several tests for software that helps to filter the best version of the mobile app. Different types of quality analysis tests, such as performance testing, speed testing, feature testing, and bug removal, are conducted in this step.

5. Deployment and Maintenance

This is the final stage where the app development company in India launches the mobile app on the respective platform. Majorly the apps are deployed either to Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Further, the maintenance process is conducted periodically to remove the new bugs and add or eliminate the features.

Cost Breakdown Based on Mobile App Features

As we mentioned in the earlier section, features are one of the core factors that help to determine the app making cost in India. Different types of applications require different types of features and functionalities.

Thus, a huge fluctuation can be observed in developing different types of mobile apps. Here is a rough idea about the timeline and Indian app developers’ cost for the app development.

App Type Estimated Project Timeline Estimated Cost
Buy Now Pay Later app development 3-6 months $10,000 – $20,000
Marketplace app development 4-6 months $10,000 – $30,000
On-demand app development 3-6 months $10,000 – $50,000
Fintech app development 2-6 months $15,000 – $50,000
Social chat app development 3-6 months $15,000 – $50,000
Enterprise app development 4-6 months $20,000 – $60,000
Healthcare app development 3-6 months $15,000 – $50,000
Tourism apps development 2-4 months $10,000 – $30,000
Mobile commerce app development 2-4 months $15,000 – $50,000
Logistics app development 3-6 months $10,000 – $30,000
EV charging app development 2-4 months $15,000 – $50,000
Cab booking app development 3-6 months $10,000 – $40,000
Fleet management app development 4-6 months $15,000 – $40,000
Media streaming app development 3-6 months $10,000 – $50,000

Factors Influencing App Development Costs in India

Here comes the most important factors that play the biggest role in determining the outsourcing app development India cost. Having a thorough understanding of the factors below will help you significantly reach a particular number as your app development cost.

1. The app complexity

Technologies and features contribute the most toward the complexity of the application. More complex mobile app development tends to consume more cost. Practices like data encryption, AI capability, AR/VR, machine learning, blockchain, and metaverse make the application more useful but complex which leads to a significant cost increase.

2. App design

As it is always said the first impression is always the last. The user interface and design of the app foster a seamless user experience and make it easy for the users to use different features of the application.

While you can save some dollars by choosing a decent and normal design, having an intuitive user interface will bestow better navigation as well as a slightly heavier burden on your pocket.

3. The platform of app development

Moving ahead, the platform you are developing your app for is also a cost-determining factor.

For example, developing an app for Android is comparatively cheaper as compared to developing an app for iOS. Similarly, if you opt for cross-platform app development, there will be an entirely different number on your bill.

4. Timeline of the project

There are some hiring models where you pay the developer according to the number of hours they work on your project. In such scenarios, the timeline of your project is directly proportional to the overall cost. The longer your project continues, the higher is app development cost.

5. Maintenance and Support

Opting for maintenance and support to keep your application running smoothly and seamlessly also adds some cost to your app development. While the cost generally varies between 15-20% of the total development cost, there can be a slight difference according to your requirements.

6. Security and Privacy

If you want your software to be malware-attack-free so that the data of your users is not at risk, you can opt for various security and privacy measures. There are practices like implementing privacy and security protocols (HIPAA and GDPR) as well as integrating features like a biometric lock that you can ensure to foster better security in your application.

The Role of an App Development Team in India

Various processes and project development phases discussed in the article require different team members to handle the tasks. While the number of members can vary according to the size and requirements of your project, there are certain profiles that you must ensure in your app development team in India.

1. Project Manager

This person is the head of the project and takes care of the complete development process. The responsibilities like planning, controlling, and communicating are ensured by the project manager. The person also makes sure that the project is being completed within the defined budget and timeframe.

➥   Establishing clear communication between the stakeholders

➥   Manage the challenges faced in the project

➥   Ensure that project objectives are being met

2. The designers

The UI/UX designers are the other important part of the app development team. The responsibility of this team is to create a user-friendly and intuitive UI that can provide seamless navigation along with access to the features and functionalities of the application.

Due to the big part of design in the development, the proficiency of designers influences the mobile app development cost in India.

➥   Design the prototype of the application

➥   Create an intuitive user interface

➥   Make the application user-friendly

3. App developers

App developers are the people who work on the backend and front end of the application. The responsibility of the team is to bring the features to life by using the appropriate programming languages and technologies.

➥   Building the features of the app

➥   Using right technologies

➥   Integrating third-party services

4. Testers

The team of testers plays an integral part in the quality analysis process where they bring out the best version of the software.

The core role of this team is to test the software for efficient speed, and functionality. At the same time, they also work on bug removal processes to ensure the quality, security, and usability of the application.

➥   Tests the features of apps

➥   Ensure the utmost security measures

➥   Bringing out the best version

Cost of Hiring an App Development Team in India

As the experience of app developers increases, the mobile app development cost in India also increases. While you can develop an application for a few thousand dollars, the same application can also be developed for a hundred thousand dollars. For a basic idea, the app development cost in India is anywhere between $10,000 to $35,000.

This cost can help you develop a fully functional app with basic features and a good user interface. However, there are some other hiring models as well which can save you some dollars if you manage the team by yourself.

The hourly model is one of the engagement models where you can pay the app making cost in India according to the number of hours developers spend on the application.

Cost according to the development platform:

Platform Cost Range
iOS $30,000 – $80,000
Android $10,000 – $40,000
React Native $15 – $25 per hour
Xamarin $20 – $50 per hour
Flutter $1,000 – $5,000

Cost according to the roles and responsibilities:

Hidden Costs to Consider

Role Cost per Hour
Business Analyst $25
Mobile App Engineer $20
UI/UX Designer $25
QA Engineer $20
Project Manager $25
Other than the core factors that consume most of the app making cost in India, several other factors don’t need your special attention but still add some dollars to the app development bill. At the same time, compromising with these features is also never a good idea as this kind of cost can never be escaped.

1. Platform or Marketplace Fee

Deploying your software on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store also requires a fee. For Apple App Store, the fee is $99 per year which has to be renewed annually. In the case of the Google Play Store, the fee is $25 which is a one-time investment.

2. Cross-platform development fee

Even if you are keeping the design, architecture, and features the same, there will be additional costs to make an app for multiple operating systems.

3. The designing cost

While every mobile app comes with some design and theme, choosing an intuitive and customized user interface or design will add some dollars to Indian app developers’ costs.

4. Data Storage costs

If you are building a data-driven mobile application, there will be a significant data storage cost that you can not miss when planning for app making costs in India. The exact cost depends on the amount of data you want to store.

5. Feedback implementation cost

There are times when the requirements are changed in the middle of the cost. So, the developers have to redo some parts of the work while eliminating some technology and implementing others. All these tasks also consume some monetary resources.

6. Marketing costs

You need to promote the application among the target audience so that they can know about your app. For the same, you have to set up a marketing campaign which brings extra cost with it.

Steps to Minimize App Development Costs in India

While it is never advisable to compromise the quality of your mobile app to save some dollars some tactics can help you reduce Indian app developers’ cost. Let’s have a glance over these tactics-

➢   Ensure efficient planning before starting work on a project. You should be clear about the cost of app development, the timeline, features, hiring model, technologies to impart, and many other similar factors.

➢   Choose the right technology stack to develop the application. It will make sure that you get the right quotation from the very beginning.

➢   Develop an MVP where you can assess the overall features of the app and implement the correction. It might cost more to implement any feedback at the later stages.

➢   Test the app properly before deploying it to the respective platform. If there is any bug, performance issue, speed issue, or anything similar, your development team will solve it for you.

➢   Use the standardized process of app development in India. It will help minimize the cost fluctuation and ensure the efficient building and deployment of the software.

How to Choose an App Development Partner in India

The quality of your app development depends heavily on the app development team you choose. While an experienced team can help you develop applications at a lower cost, the less experienced team might ruin all your investment. So, we have listed some of the methods that will help you choose the right app development team in India-

➢   First of all, make sure that you choose an experienced app development team. While it might cost a little bit higher, an experienced team will save you more money in the future.

➢    You must analyze the project portfolio of the team to ensure that they have worked on similar projects.

➢   Talking with the existing clients of the company can be a great method to know inside-out about the team.

➢   You can choose to work with the team on a smaller project to assess their capability and skills.

➢   Make sure that you choose the team that places an efficient communication model at the forefront.

➢   The development team must provide ample maintenance and support for your app after deployment, which must be included in the Indian app developer’s cost.

Why Choose Developer Bazaar Technologies For App Development In India

As interpreted in the earlier section, it is very important to partner with an experienced team of developers to ensure quality and cost efficiency, Developer Bazaar Technologies is one of the renowned app development entities in India.

We have experience of multiple years developing different types of applications and software. At the same time, our expertise in the broad technology stack makes it easier for us to build customized mobile apps with the least mobile app development cost in India.

We have developed mobile apps for different businesses coming from different industries, and thus also carry experience of working on multi-niche projects. Developer Bazaar Technologies provides ample maintenance and support to our clients where they don’t have to bother about bug removal and application optimization.


App making costs in India depend on a range of factors including app complexity, number of features, technology stack, platform of app development, and much more. However, hiring an experienced and professional development team can save a significant app making cost in India.

To make sure that you have complete command over your project, we have also enlisted some of the tips that you can use to reduce mobile app development costs in India as well as choosing the right team.

If you are looking to develop a mobile app and wondering about the outsourcing app development India cost, you can have a free consultation session with our experts.
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Developer Bazaar Technologies serves with highly proficient Prototyping & Strategy, Brand Promotion, Enterprise Development, Web Engineering, API Integrations, IT Consulting, End-to-End IT Services and Solutions, leads globally and is headquartered in Indore, India.